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śubhe śobhane muhurte śrī mahāviṣṇorājñayā pravartamānasya adya brahmaṇaḥ dvitīya parārthe śveta varāhakalpe vaivasvata manvantare kaliyuge prathamapāde krauṃcadvīpe ramaṇakavarṣe aiṃdrakhaṃḍe uttara-amerikā khaṃḍe samasta devatā gobrāhmaṇa harihara sadguru caraṇa sannidhau, asmin-vartamāna vyāvahārika cāndramānena prabhavādi ṣaṣṭhi saṃvatsarāṇāṃ madhye śrīmat ------- nāma saṃvatsare ------- ayane ------- ṛtau ------- māse ------- pakṣe ------- tithau ------- vāsare ------- nakṣatre ------- yoge ------- karaṇe evaṃ guṇa viśeṣaṇa viśiṣṭāyāṃ asyāṃ śubhatithau śrīparameśvara muddiśya śrīparameśvara prītyarthaṃ (prātassaṃdhyā/ madhyāhna ssaṃdhyā/ sāyaṃ ssaṃdhyā) kariṣye

Monday, June 1, 2020

Nirjala Ekadashi


Vishnu Swami Photo
Om Namo Narayanaya 
Nirjala Ekadashi is the most important and significant Ekadashi. As per Hindu calendar this Ekadashi falls on the eleventh day of “Jyeshtha masam in Shukla paksham”. 

Importance of Nirjala Ekadashi
The greatness of Nirjala Ekadasi was explained by Vyasa Maharshi. It is equal to going on pilgrimage. It provides virtue of all 24 Ekadashi. It washes away all sin. Grants happiness, prosperity, longevity and moksha (salvation). This Ekadasi happens before monsoon season and therefore it is also helps in cleansing the body.

How to Observe Nirjala Ekadashi Vratam
The word Nirjala means without water. Hence, fast is observed without water and food. It is considered as the most strict and hence, most sacred of all Ekadashis. The 24 hours long fast begins from sunrise on Nirjala Ekadashi to sunrise the next day. People fast and offer puja to Lord Vishnu on this day.

The fast begins with Sandhyavandanam – a prayer. This prayer is performed in the evening before Nirjala Ekadashi, i.e. on 10th lunar day. After prayer devotee takes only one meal, without rice (as rice eating is prohibited). The strict fast continuous throughout Ekadashi. It gets over on next morning. Devotees offer prayer, tulsi, fruits to Lord Vishnu and then finish their fast.

Story of Nirjala Ekadashi Vratam
Bhimasena –the second Pandava brother and big eater wanted to keep Ekadashi Vratam. All his brothers, wife Draupadi and mother Kunti observed Vrat on 24 Ekadasi's throughout the year and request him to do the same. But he was unable to perform the ritual due to unbearable hunger pangs. Bhima, was upset due to his weak determination. He was also sacred of dishonouring to Lord Vishnu. So, when Maharishi Vyasa visited them Bhima asked him to find a solution. Maharshi Vyasa advised him to observe single Nirjala Ekadasi fasting. This fast would compensate for not observing all Ekadashi fasting in a year.

Bhima performed the fast with an ease but on the morning of very next day he became unconscious. Then he offered Ganga water with Tulsi to end up his day fast. Due to this legend Nirjala Ekadashi is also known as Bhimaseni Ekadashi, Bhima Ekadashi or Pandava Ekadashi.

Nirjala Ekadashi Significance
As per Hindu mythology, Nirjala Ekadashi is a form of God Vishnu and helps in washing away all sins. Also, the devotees are blessed by Lord Vishnu and granted all the happiness, prosperity and a blissful life. It is also believed that by observing Nirjala Ekadashi fast one gains salvation (moksha) as the person at the time of death is not judged by Yamadharma raja (God of Death). The one who observes fast is taken by the messengers of Maha Vishnu to Vaikuntha, an abode of Vishnu after death.

How To Observe Ekadashi Vratam
Legends take one back to the mythological story of Mahabharatam(Aranya Parvam) as the Nirjala Ekadashi vratam has been mentioned therein. Kunit devi, mother of the Pandavas, Draupadi, wife of the Pandavas, and all the four Pandava brothers – Yudhisthira, Arjun, Nakula and Sahadeva used to observe all Ekadashi vratam's without fail.

However, the second Pandava brother, Bhimasena resisted from fasting as he was a voracious eater and wasn’t able to control his hunger. On one occasion, Bhima chose to observe the vrat but he also wanted to eat.

Hence, he went out to Ved Vyasa, the grandfather of the Pandavas, to seek help in observing the fast. While eating and fasting were not possible simultaneously, Maharshi Vyasa Bhagavan suggested that he observe the Nirjala Ekadashi vrat, which includes the benefits of observing 24 Ekadashi vratam's.

Nirjala Ekadashi is regarded as the strictest fast among all the Ekadashis in the Hindu religion as one cannot even drink water while observing it. The literal meaning of Nirjala is without water. Thus, all devotees who take up this fast do not drink water nor eat any food during the entire day of fasting. Observing a Nirjala Ekadashi is highly beneficial as it is considered equivalent to going on a pilgrimage. The vratam begins at sunrise on the Ekadahsi and ends on the next day’s sunrise. The entire day of the Nirjala Ekadashi vratam is spent at Vishnu temples. Devotees also prefer spending the day at home by listening to stories from Bhagavad Purana or chanting bhajans dedicated to Lord Maha Vishnu.

People who are under medications, having a poor health condition or disease, pregnant women and those who have just delivered a baby are relieved from observing this vratam. Therefore, it is advised not to keep this fast as one should not torture their body in the act of following customs and religious traditions. Instead, they can compensate for the fast by donating food and clothes to the poor and needy.