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śubhe śobhane muhurte śrī mahāviṣṇorājñayā pravartamānasya adya brahmaṇaḥ dvitīya parārthe śveta varāhakalpe vaivasvata manvantare kaliyuge prathamapāde krauṃcadvīpe ramaṇakavarṣe aiṃdrakhaṃḍe uttara-amerikā khaṃḍe samasta devatā gobrāhmaṇa harihara sadguru caraṇa sannidhau, asmin-vartamāna vyāvahārika cāndramānena prabhavādi ṣaṣṭhi saṃvatsarāṇāṃ madhye śrīmat ------- nāma saṃvatsare ------- ayane ------- ṛtau ------- māse ------- pakṣe ------- tithau ------- vāsare ------- nakṣatre ------- yoge ------- karaṇe evaṃ guṇa viśeṣaṇa viśiṣṭāyāṃ asyāṃ śubhatithau śrīparameśvara muddiśya śrīparameśvara prītyarthaṃ (prātassaṃdhyā/ madhyāhna ssaṃdhyā/ sāyaṃ ssaṃdhyā) kariṣye

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Yogini Ekadashi

Significance of Yogini Ekadashi

Yogini Ekadashi has a great significance. According to the Padma Puran that whoever follows the rituals of the Yogini Ekadashi achieves good health, prosperity, and leads a happy life. Legends narrate the story of a gardener, and his beautiful wife, Swarupavati. Gardener worked under Kuvera, King of Alakapuri, who was a pious devotee of Lord Shiva. Every day, the gardener would collect flowers from Manasarovar Lake and provide them to the king for the Shiva puja. The gardener was highly attracted towards his wife. Hence, one day, he stayed back with wife neglecting his duties. He could not deliver flowers to the king. King found that Gardener was spending time with his wife instead of fulfilling his duty of collecting flowers. The gardener was summoned to the court. He begged for forgiveness. The king cursed him with suffering from leprosy and be separation from his wife. The gardener was thrown out of the palace, and he got afflicted with white leprosy. He wandered through the forests for years. One day he reached the ashram of Sage Markandeya. He narrated his story to the sage. The sage advised him to observe Yogini Ekadashi and get rid of the dangerous infection and relieved from the curse. Gardener observed the fast and returned to his normal appearance. Therefore, he was able to reunite with his wife and live the rest of his life happily.