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śubhe śobhane muhurte śrī mahāviṣṇorājñayā pravartamānasya adya brahmaṇaḥ dvitīya parārthe śveta varāhakalpe vaivasvata manvantare kaliyuge prathamapāde krauṃcadvīpe ramaṇakavarṣe aiṃdrakhaṃḍe uttara-amerikā khaṃḍe samasta devatā gobrāhmaṇa harihara sadguru caraṇa sannidhau, asmin-vartamāna vyāvahārika cāndramānena prabhavādi ṣaṣṭhi saṃvatsarāṇāṃ madhye śrīmat ------- nāma saṃvatsare ------- ayane ------- ṛtau ------- māse ------- pakṣe ------- tithau ------- vāsare ------- nakṣatre ------- yoge ------- karaṇe evaṃ guṇa viśeṣaṇa viśiṣṭāyāṃ asyāṃ śubhatithau śrīparameśvara muddiśya śrīparameśvara prītyarthaṃ (prātassaṃdhyā/ madhyāhna ssaṃdhyā/ sāyaṃ ssaṃdhyā) kariṣye

Friday, January 8, 2021

8th January 2021 Panchangam

Vedic Mobile Calendar 

Sri Matre Namaha                                                                                    Om Dram Dattatreyaya Namaha 
 Suroydayam :- 07:34 AM
Suryastamam :- 05:33 PM

Sharvari Samvatsaram

Dakshina Aayanam

Hemanta Rutu

Margashira Masam

Krishna Paksham

Dasami — Jan 07 12:28 PM – Jan 08 10:10 AM
Ekadasi — Jan 08 10:10 AM – Jan 09 07:47 AM

Bhrugu Vasara 

Vishaka — Jan 08 02:42 AM – Jan 09 01:02 AM

Soola — Jan 08 06:40 AM – Jan 09 03:31 AM

Vishti — Jan 07 11:20 PM – Jan 08 10:10 AM
Bava — Jan 08 10:10 AM – Jan 08 08:59 PM
Balava — Jan 08 08:59 PM – Jan 09 07:47 AM


Auspicious And Inauspicious Times 

Inauspicious Times

Rahu Kalam -  11:19 AM – 12:34 PM
Yamaganda Kalam -  03:03 PM – 04:18 PM
Gulika Kalam -  08:49 AM – 10:04 AM
Dur Muhurat 
09:34 AM – 10:14 AM
12:54 PM – 01:33 PM
Varjyam -  07:54 AM – 09:23 AM

Auspicious Times

Abhijit Muhurat —  12:14 PM – 12:54 PM
Amrit Kalam —  Jan 8, 16:49 – 18:19
Brahma Muhurat —  05:58 AM – 06:46 AM

Shubham bhuyath... 
Sarvejanaha Sukhinobhavantu... 
Lokaasamastat Sukhinobhavantu...
Mangalam Mahath.. 

Importance of this day

Ekadashi Tithi Begins - 10:10 AM on Jan 08, 2021
Ekadashi Tithi Ends - 07:47 AM on Jan 09, 2021

Story of Vimala Ekadashi

yudhiṣṭira asked, 'o janārdanā! what is the name of the ekādaśi of the bright fortnight (Shukla Paksha) of mārgaśira māsaṃ and which deity is worshiped on this day? Kindly tell us all in detail. Lord Krishna said, “o yudhiṣṭira, I will tell you this story because of your affection.” Lord Vishnu can be easily pleased this vow of Lord ekādaśi. Such happiness is not possible even by the Yajnas supported by ample of ‘Dakshinas’ also. This fast should be done with utmost devotion and reverence. O King! Now listen to the greatness of the mārgaśira kṛṣṇapakṣa ekādaśi along with the Dwadashi. The name of Ekadashi of the bright fortnight of mārgaśira kṛṣṇapakṣaṃ is saphala ekādaśi. Lord śrī nārāyaṇa is the presiding deity of this ekādaśi. This merit of this ekadashi accomplishes all the undertakings of the devotee. This ekādaśi should be observed with the full procedure and Lord Narayana should be worshiped on this day. As Sheshanaga is superior in the serpents, Garuda in the birds, Moon in all the planets, Ashwamedha in Yajna and Lord Vishnu are the most supreme in the gods, likewise ekādaśi is supreme in all the vratas. Those who always fast on ekādaśi, they are the most beloved to Lord Vishnu. O son of Kunti! I now will tell you the procedure of this fast. Do Shodashopachara pooja of Lord Vishnu on this day. Offer him seasonal fruits, coconut, lemon, banana, betel, etc. & and worship with sixteen kinds of articles like incense, lamp and flowers etc. Sing devotional songs at the night, and stay awake reading Holy Scriptures and singing praises of Lord Vishnu. There is no yajna, pilgrimage, charity and other fasting, like ekādaśi fasting. The merit which is achieved by doing penance or 5000 years, more merit is attained by just fasting of saphala ekādaśi alone. O King! Now I tell you the story of the Safala ekādaśi fast. Hear it with complete reverence. King mahiman ruled in the of caṃpāvati city. He had four sons. One among them was named luṃpaka. luṃpaka was a great sinner. He always squandered his father's wealth on prostitutes and in other misdeeds. He always used to condemn the Gods, Brahmans and Vaishnavas. Everyone in kingdom was unhappy with his misdeeds. Some people gathered courage somehow and complained to the king about luṃpakā’s misdeeds. When the king came to know about the misdeeds of his son, he banished him from his kingdom. luṃpaka was exiled and started thinking now, “Where should I go now, what should I do now?” In the end, he decided to steal. He stayed in the forest during daytime and stole in his father's city at night. He also tormented and terrorised people. The whole city was terrorised by the acts of luṃpaka. luṃpaka used to kill animals and eat them, in forest. Even if someone caught him stealing, they would leave him, fearing King’s wrath. Sometimes the grace of the Lord is found unknowingly, and this is what happened with luṃpaka. There was a very old, large Peepal tree, at the hideout of luṃpaka, in that forest. luṃpaka used to stay under the same tree. The people of the forest used to consider this Peepal tree a scared boon of gods and regarded forest as the playground for the gods. After some time, one night before mārgaśira kṛṣṇa ekādaśi, on daśami, luṃpaka could not sleep due to cold. He did not have any clothes. His body stiffened due to harsh cold night. He spent the night somehow. By the time of sunrise, luṃpaka fainted. He came to his consciousness, with the heat of sunlight, on the next day, on the midday of ekādaśi. He came to the senses gradually and went in search of food in the forest. But he could not hunt anything due to weakness. Then he collated some fallen fruits from the trees and came under the Peepal tree. Sun had already started setting down by that time. So he brought those fruits and placed them under the Peepal tree. The pain and sufferings reminded him about God, he started crying and said, “O Lord, all these fruits are my offerings to you. Please be satisfied with it.” He could not sleep at night due to hunger and anguish. Compassionate Lord Vishnu was very pleased with his fast and night vigil and consequently all his sins were destroyed. The next morning, a beautiful horse adorned with jewels arrived in front of luṃpaka. A heavenly voice announced, “O son, all your sins are destroyed by the grace of Shri Narayana. Now you go to your father and get the kingdom. You have unknowingly fasted on ekādaśi, and all your sins are destroyed by its power. As the hands are burnt even if you touch it by mistake, likewise, fast of ekādaśi also shows its effect even if you keep it by mistake.” luṃpaka was delighted to hear celestial announcement. He cried in gratitude, 'Or Lord you are great. Please accept my most humble reverence to you. Glory & Victory to you Lord.' He was adorned with royal attire and went back to his father. His father happily embraced him upon his return. His father passed on the Kingdom to him and he himself retired to forest to do austerities. Now luṃpaka began to rule righteously as per the scriptures. His entire family became the great devotees of Lord Shri Narayana. When luṃpaka grew old, he handed his kingdom to his son manoj and went to forest for doing penance, and in the end, he attained vaikuṃṭha, the abode of Lord Vishnu. O yudhiṣṭira! Those who worship on ekādaśi with devotion and faith, all their sins are destroyed and they finally get salvation. Those people are akin to animals without horns and tails, if they do not do saphala ekādaśi fast and do not understand its importance. Devotee gets the reward of aśvamedha yāgaṃ, by reading or hearing the greatness of saphala ekādaśi.


NOTE:- Panchang timings are calculated for Dallas, Texas, United States with DST adjustment. This Event shows Tithi, Nakshatra, good and bad timings and importance of day etc... Pleace feel free to reachout for any questions releated. 

Anantha Krishna Sastry Munimadugu
Call/Text to +1(903) 347-2647

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